---------------------------------------- Expense Tracking System 2.0 READ ME File Shareware Version 1995 ---------------------------------------- (C) Copyright Johnson Commercial Brokerage, 1995 All Rights Reserved ------------------------ How to Use This Document ------------------------ To view READ ME on screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print READ ME, open it in Windows Write, Microsoft Word, or another word processor. Then select the entire document and format the text in 10-point Courier before printing. -------- Contents -------- Overview Of the Expense Tracking System Using The Expense Tracking System Installing The Expense Tracking System System Requirements Shareware Restrictions Ordering A Registered Version Of The Expense Tracking System Questions Or Comments? Disclaimer --------------------------------------- Overview Of The Expense Tracking System --------------------------------------- The Expense Tracking System is an easy way to maintain a complete record of all your business expenses, and is ideally suited for the sole proprietor or small businessperson. Instead of storing your receipts in a shoebox only to spend agonizing hours at tax time sorting through these receipts, simply enter the basic information about the expense into this system. Once input, all of your past business expenses are at your fingertips. You can print a report of your business expenses within a range of dates, giving you a summary of your total expenses by Schedule C or Home Office tax category as well as chronologically listing all of your business expenses by month. --------------------------------- Using The Expense Tracking System --------------------------------- Simply input the details of each business expense into the system using the following fields: + When the date the expense was incurred + What the purpose for the expense (e.g. client dinner with Bob) + Who who received payment for the expense (e.g. Andrew's Steakhouse) + Why why was the expense incurred (e.g. discuss merger deal) + Category choose from a list of Schedule C and Home Office categories + Cost total dollar amount paid + % Use percentage of the total cost that pertains to business + Expensed the dollar amount of the business portion to be expensed; this dollar amount is computed automatically Once input, your business expenses are sorted chronologically for easy review. Additionally, you may print or preview a report that lists all of your business expenses within a range of dates that you specify. The front page of this report gives you totals by category of all of your business expenses within that range of dates, followed by a chronological listing by month of each and every business expense incurred. -------------------------------------- Installing The Expense Tracking System -------------------------------------- To install the Expense Tracking System, you first move the EXPENSES.EXE file from your download directory to a floppy disk. Switch to your floppy drive and double-click the EXPENSES.EXE file to expand the program's five files: INSTALL.EXE, INSTALL.INI, INSTALL.HLP, README.TXT and EXTRKSYS.MDB. After the computer inflates these files on your floppy disk, select REFRESH under the WINDOW column of your File Manager toolbar to see a list of the program files. Double-click the INSTALL.EXE file on your floppy disk to begin the installation procedure. The installation procedure first asks where to install the files: Install To [C:\EXPENSES] Select OK. A subdirectory called EXPENSES will be created on your C drive. The installation procedure next asks where to install the files from: Install From [. ] Again select OK. The period under "Install From" means the directory and drive that you are in currently (your floppy drive). The installation procedure will then create a Program Group in your Program Manager called Expense Tracking System with two icons: Expenses Shareware and Read Me. If you wish, you may either move these two icons to another Program Group (e.g. Office, Accessories etc.) or you can select TILE from the WINDOW column of your Program Manager toolbar to resize the Expense Tracking System Program Group so that it fits next to your other Program Groups. To open the Expense Tracking System, simply double-click on the Expenses Shareware icon! ------------------- System Requirements ------------------- A minimum 386 system with 4 MB RAM or higher, Microsoft (c) Access v2.0 or higher, Microsoft (c) Windows 3.x or higher ---------------------- Shareware Restrictions ---------------------- A maximum of 25 business expenses can be stored in the shareware version of the Expense Tracking System. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ordering A Registered Version Of The Expense Tracking System 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are two ways to order your own registered Expense Tracking System: * $14.95 - we'll send the registered version to your E-Mail address; * $19.95 - we'll ship the registered version via U.S. Mail to your mailing address on a 3.5 inch floppy disk. To place an order, send your check or money order, payable to Johnson Commercial Brokerage, to the following address: Johnson Commercial Brokerage 4121 Camino Real, Suite 100 Los Angeles, California 90065 Upon receipt and clearance of your check or money order, the registered version of the Expense Tracking System will be sent to you. BE SURE TO INCLUDE EITHER YOUR E-MAIL OR REGULAR MAILING ADDRESS WITH YOUR ORDER AS APPLICABLE! ---------------------- Questions or Comments? ---------------------- Our current E-Mail addresses are as follows: America Online: AMJohnson Internet: amjohnson@caprica.com ---------- Disclaimer ---------- The Expense Tracking System program is sold or otherwise provided with the understanding that the author/programmer is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or any other professional services or advise to any user. If you have specific accounting, legal, or tax problems, you should consult a professional adviser. The author/programmer does not assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy or use of this program or the loss of or damage to user information for any reason. BE SURE TO KEEP ALL RECEIPTS IN A SECURE LOCATION.